With a sense of satisfaction we summarize the activities of the organization during the holidays.
In preparation for Rosh Hashana, the soldiers enjoyed 750 NIS vouchers for winter clothing that they could use the “Fox” clothing stores. The soldiers also received winter blankets and winter bedding. Each soldier also found a portable cell phone charger and a document pouch beside his bed, alongside an assortment of sweets and cookies.
On Rosh Hashana we rented the Chabad House hall, our soldiers enjoyed the holiday meals cooked by the devoted hands of Chef Moshe Tzafira, while on the second night we hosted all the families which are accompanying the apartments. During the day the soldiers were hosted by families from Chevron. families who are not usually used as accompanying families. We asked families in the Kiryat Arba Chevron community to host the soldiers, the response was amazing.

In preparation for Succot, we set up two Succahs in two of the organization’s apartments to serve the soldiers for eating and sleeping. The personal sukkah of the head of the organization, Aharon Granot, became a military dining room, where all the soldiers ate the Chag and friday night meals. On Saturday morning the soldiers of each apartment went to their respective accompanying family.
At the end of the first holiday, we all gathered in Aaron Granot’s Succah, the soldiers brought musical instruments and we had ourselves a musical Simchat Beit Hashoeva, with the neighbors in Kiryat Arba enjoying it too.
The highlight was a two-day fun trip to Eilat. If we are a family then this is how a family on holidays goes on a trip. The religious community of Eilat received the soldiers with exceptional warmth, the organization rented the Yeshiva High School compound in Eilat, the chairman of the religious council of Eilat, Chaim Amar, even built a sukkah in the yeshiva compound, and at night the community sent no less than 8 crates of baked goods and fresh rolls. From the attractions of the southern tourist city, they did shallow water diving at the coral reefs, went on an adventurous jeep tour and left the next day for a cruise in the Red Sea, where we ended up with a hearty meal at the kosher ‘Achla’ restaurant in Eilat.
From the holiday vacation, happy and full of strength to the grinding routine of the army, there is no surprise then that their military service also looks different
Osey Chail family